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Ideas that are not acted upon, are only dreams.  When effort is put forth, thats when something becomes a reality.  

You have the idea, Chef off the Grid can make it happen.  Looking for professional assistance in the hospitality industry?  Chef Will and his wife Alida together have over 30 years experience cooking and serving people from all across the globe.  Chef off the Grid can help with any number of food service endeavors.  Restaurant or catering business start-ups, menu design, kitchen & restaurant layouts, budgeting and costing, staff & service training, sanitation instruction, branding, concept development, sales growth and cost savings.  We are here to help you succeed.  Hands on training with management and staff, inventory and recipe programs, everything from the way a server carries a tray to forecasting budgets.  Cluj is growing and we want to help the people grow with it.  When everyone is successful, no one loses.  Let us help you to be your best.  We will go Off the Grid to put you, on the MAP!